If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Our work time is GMT 8:00-18:00, Monday to Saturday.

If my Skype or QQ not online, please send me an email,

I will reply at first time.

WeChat: fakediplomashop

 Email: fakediplomashop@outlook.com

WhatsApp: +44 7490256119
Telegram: +44 7490256119

QQ: 3025150992


 1.By Western Union , you can pay online conveniently, if it does not support to transfer online, 

 you can make a payment in your nearest WU port.

2.By International Wire Transfer, you can make a payment by Wire Transfer online 

 after you get our account from our company.

 It takes about 3 days reach our account or just several minutes in some countries.

 3.By MoneyGram, MoneyGram service is fast global remittance service between a personal, 

 to be completed by the sender to the recipient of the remittance procedure within ten minutes, 

 with a fast and convenient features.