OVGU Magdeburg diploma of Bachelor, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg diploma for sale

OVGU Magdeburg diploma of Bachelor, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg diploma

OVGU Magdeburg diploma of Bachelor, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg diploma

OVGU Magdeburg diploma of Bachelor, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg diploma for sale. Is OVGU Magdeburg diploma good? Which major is the best at OVGU Magdeburg degree? Is it hard to get OVGU Magdeburg diploma in Germany? Purchase a fake Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg degree of Bachelor. Die Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (kurz: OVGU) ist eine öffentliche Universität in Sachsen-Anhalt.

The university’s research focuses on neuroscience, biosystems engineering, disease prevention, automotive research, digital engineering and renewable energy. Since 2022, Otto von Guericke University and eight other universities have been part of the European university network “EU Green”. The move aims to promote international cooperation on sustainable development topics so that future social challenges can be adequately addressed.

Otto von Guericke University is divided into nine faculties of natural sciences, engineering and humanities and has approximately 100 research projects. Approximately 13,000 students are enrolled at the university in the winter semester 2021/2022. The most notable alumni and professors include Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize recipients: Axel Ockenfels, Hans Christian Pape, and Ingo Rehberg.

Magdeburg became the seat of the university during the young East Germany of the 1950s. The Otto von Guericke University was formed in 1993 from the three universities established at that time: the Technical University, the University of Education and the Medical School.

The city’s first university was the University of Heavy Mechanical Engineering Magdeburg, founded in 1953. Since Magdeburg was the site of East Germany’s most important heavy engineering site and there was a critical shortage of engineers, it was in the national interest to respond to this shortage through local academic training. Soon after, the school was renamed Magdeburg University of Technology in 1961 and was declared a technical university in 1987.

What happens if you lose your OVGU Magdeburg diploma of Bachelor?

Similar to the lack of trained engineers, there was also a shortage of doctors in the early years of East Germany, so in addition to the traditional places of university study in Berlin, Halle, Jena, Leipzig, Greifswald and Rostock, three medical schools were established hospital. In addition to Magdeburg, there are also Dresden and Erfurt. Teaching at the Medical School Magdeburg (MAM) began in the winter semester 1954/55 on the site of the former Sudenberg Hospital.

The founding rector of the new university was the pathologist Hasso Eßbach. One peculiarity was that the course was initially limited to the clinical component after passing the physics examination, so students were required to successfully study for two years at other universities. A preclinical research phase for Physikum was also established in early 1960/1961.